Client must complete and sign ELAC request and mandate forms (or Controller mandate forms if premium is deducted from Controller).
NB. Officer must ensure that the age of the new life falls within the policy's age limits.
NB. Officer must ensure that the age of the new life falls within the policy's age limits.
Fill ELAC request form or submit a letter to add beneficiary to policy.Client must indicate the name and date of birth of the new beneficiary, as well as the relationship of the beneficiary to the client.
NB. Officer must ensure that the age to be changed falls within the policy's age limits.
To Controller
To other pay points
NB. Officer must ensure that the digits of the account number are up to the required number, and ensure that the bank's branch is stated on the mandate form.
Client must provide proof that new name and the name on the policy refer to the same person. Proof may be in the form of: