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Genevieve Cornelius

General Manager

Genevieve started her career at Enterprise Insurance, Kumasi Branch as a Client Relations Officer in June 2005, handling portfolios in sales and marketing, customer services and claims. She progressed to the role of Client Services Executive in 2009, where she was in charge of the claims function.
In March 2012, she was appointed Project Coordinator for Enterprise Funerals (Transitions), a position which she executed creditably, raising Transitions from being a project to a full-fledged company, which officially commenced operations February 2017.

In June 2016, she was appointed as Head of Operations, a position she held until her appointment as the General Manager, in January 2020.

Genevieve, holds, an M.Phil. In Agriculture Administration from the University of Ghana, Legon and B.Sc. Agriculture from the University of Cape Coast. She has also completed a Business Management Development Program from the University of Stellenbosch in Cape Town, South Africa. She is a Chartered Insurer, an Associate of Chartered Institute of Insurance, (CII, UK) and a member of the Chartered Insurance Ladies Association of Ghana (CILAG).

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