Enterprise Advantage App is available on the Google Play and App Stores
Enterprise Advantage App is available on the Google Play and App Stores


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Extra Benefit of being on this plan

You will now be part of the Enterprise family and therefore qualify for the Loyalty Program.
You will also receive free service from our Legal Team to draw up your Last Will and Testament.

How to Apply

All you have to do is come into one of our offices and a dedicated Arranging Officer will assist you.

If the death is unexpected

If the doctor in attendance cannot state the cause, he or she will inform the Coroner who will arrange to examine the deceased. In the majority of cases death will be attributed to natural causes and there will, therefore be no need for an inquest. Under normal circumstances funeral arrangements can be made as usual.

If the death occurs at home

The first person to contact is the deceased's doctor and the Ghana Police Service, if the doctor has attended you may then call us. If the cause of death is quite clear the doctor will issue:

   • a Medical Certificate to show the cause of death; and
   • a Formal Notice that a doctor has signed the Medical Certificate and advice on registering the death.
   • If the GPS may refer the case to the coroner if COD is unknown.

If the death occurs in a hospital

The hospital will contact the next of kin and make arrangements for a doctor to sign the Medical Certificate stating the cause of death. The certificate and any personal belongings of the deceased should be collected from the hospital administration department.

Things to consider when making arrangements

• How much to spend on the funeral
• Type of service: religious or non-religious held at the crematorium or cemetery chapel
• Flexibility of preferred date and time for the funeral
• The Casket
• The hearse
• Reception at home
• Mortuary
• Venue for reception
• Catering services
• Newspaper announcements
• Personalised funeral stationery
• Attendance cards and books of remembrance
• Personalised music choices
• Floral tributes
• Charitable donations
• Choice of coffin or casket
• Whether the deceased is dressed in their own clothes or a choice of nightgowns

Ways to pay for your Funeral Plan

We have a variety of payment options available. From a single upfront payment, to a choice of monthly instalments options ranging up to3 years.

What is a Funeral Plan?

Planning ahead with a Pre-paid Funeral Plan has many benefits and is an easy way to arrange your funeral whilst protecting your loved ones from increasing costs and any uncertainty they might have in fulfilling your final wishes.
With our preplanning services, we allow you the option to prepay for your funeral arrangements with affordable payment plans. Remove the financial burden from your loved ones by prepaying today. Our range of Plans varies according to your needs.

Planning ahead with a Pre-paid Funeral Plan has many benefits and is an easy way to arrange your funeral whilst protecting your loved ones from increasing costs and any uncertainty they might have in fulfilling your final wishes.
With our preplanning services, we allow you the option to prepay for your funeral arrangements with affordable payment plans. Remove the financial burden from your loved ones by prepaying today. Our range of Plans varies according to your needs.

• How much to spend on the funeral
• Type of service: religious or non-religious held at the crematorium or cemetery chapel
• Flexibility of preferred date and time for the funeral
• The Casket
• The hearse
• Reception at home
• Mortuary
• Venue for reception
• Catering services
• Newspaper announcements
• Personalised funeral stationery
• Attendance cards and books of remembrance
• Personalised music choices
• Floral tributes
• Charitable donations
• Choice of coffin or casket
• Whether the deceased is dressed in their own clothes or a choice of nightgowns

The hospital will contact the next of kin and make arrangements for a doctor to sign the Medical Certificate stating the cause of death. The certificate and any personal belongings of the deceased should be collected from the hospital administration department.

The first person to contact is the deceased's doctor and the Ghana Police Service, if the doctor has attended you may then call us. If the cause of death is quite clear the doctor will issue:

• a Medical Certificate to show the cause of death; and
• a Formal Notice that a doctor has signed the Medical Certificate and advice on registering the death.
• If the GPS may refer the case to the coroner if COD is unknown.

If the doctor in attendance cannot state the cause, he or she will inform the Coroner who will arrange to examine the deceased. In the majority of cases death will be attributed to natural causes and there will, therefore be no need for an inquest. Under normal circumstances funeral arrangements can be made as usual.

All you have to do is come into one of our offices and a dedicated Arranging Officer will assist you.

You will now be part of the Enterprise family and therefore qualify for the Loyalty Program.
You will also receive free service from our Legal Team to draw up your Last Will and Testament.

We're here to support 

Kindly reach us on our 24/7 hotline or on the Contact Us form
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Locate Us

Transitions Place 
No. C1/17, Asore Junction
Atomic, Kwabenya Main Road,

We are open 24hrs Monday to Sunday
© 2025 Enterprise Group Plc. All Rights Reserved Developed by Pulse Africa
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